Aug 22, 2018
An extremely elderly Katherine Hepburn "shakes" things up with a stellar performance in a middling TV movie that sees her spar with Anthony Quinn, Jason "Justin" Bateman, and a horse. Join the boys and special guest Kat Samaniego as they watch 1994's This Can't Be Love.
Aug 15, 2018
Eric finally has his revenge! Returning guest, Tessa Morrison, brings us another retelling of Victor Hugo's Phantom of the Opera. Only this time set in a 1980s mall with Pauly Shore and completely stupid. Join us as we watch a movie that's somehow a worse revenge movie than Jaws: The Revenge - Phantom of the Mall:...
Aug 8, 2018
We made bail and are back with an all new episode! Rhett O'Hara (Of Pixels and Polygons) returns as we watch Neil Young convince his famous friends to take part in a totally baffling 80s musical(ish?) romp about fame, Native American stereotypes, nuclear annihilation, and absolutely nothing at all. Also, Devo. Check...